Algoryx is proud to announce that for the second year in a row, it has been selected for the Ny Teknik/Affärsvärlden list of the top 33 most promising young technology companies in Sweden! Once more, Algoryx’ solutions for complex simulations and for science education have proven to be spot on the cutting edge.

Photo: Mikael Hansson
Since the nomination last year, Algoryx has become an important player for industries working with simulation technologies. In particular, it has gained acceptance in the heavy vehicle industry which continually needs new tools to design better, more efficient, and safer products. Algoryx has also successfully entered the movie visual effects market, with simulations that enable even more realistic and spectacular effects. Algoryx’ education product, Algodoo, continues to gain acceptance in the global education market and is by many considered a game changer in education technology for STEM.
Algoryx has now gained strategic customers to establish a solid position in four key complementary markets, namely, engineering, science education, training simulators and visual effects for the film industry.
Customers and partners include: Kongsberg Maritime, Volvo, LKAB, Atlas Copco, Oryx Simulations, Intel, AMD, SMART Technologies, Digital Domain Media Group, and many universities and research institutes.
“Physics is universal, and our technology platform for multiphysics simulation outperforms everything else out there. It enables us to act in several seemingly different markets, and our strategy is to lead a technology convergence of these markets. We plan to cause quite some disruption in the coming years, by addressing new mass markets for interctive simulations. There are tens of millions of engineers and designers out there that lack efficient tools, and even many more pupils and students that will benefit from simulations in STEM education.” says Algoryx CEO and co-founder Kenneth Bodin.
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Note: To reach the list of top 33 companies your enterprise has to be selected from a group of over 250 nominated companies. To become one of the 33 selected companies your product or service must have been developed from a new innovation. But your company also needed to be situated in Sweden, not being publicly traded and should hold the potential to reach the global market. Among the list with Algoryx are several well-known companies like Tobi, Voddler and Bambuser.