Algoryx collaborate with Onshape for providing interactive cloud based physics simulations based on AGX Dynamics.
Category Archives: News
Algoryx selected to develop nextgen vehicle simulation platform
Algoryx has entered a collaboration with Scania, Volvo Cars, Modelon and Umeå University, to develop a nextgen vehicle simulation platform.
Happy Holidays!
Happy holidays and warm wishes from us here at Algoryx.
Meet Algoryx at I/ITSEC 2014, Orlando, Florida
I/ITSEC 2014 is the world’s largest modeling, simulation and training conference.
King Carl XVI Gustaf visited Algoryx
Many of the visitors was interested to discuss how visual and interactive simulation can vitalize the Swedish industry.
Meet Algoryx at SMM 2014, Hamburg
Meet Algoryx in Hamburg during the SMM 2014 conference, 9-12 September!
Meet Algoryx at ONS 2014, Stavanger, Norway
Meet Algoryx in Stavanger during the ONS 2014 conference, 25-28 August!
8 out of 9 leading offshore suppliers run AGX Dynamics
The Swedish core technology AGX Dynamics sets the standard within global offshore industry.
Takushoku University in Japan signs contract with Algoryx
A new contract for AGX Dynamics to be used within the Takushoku University in Japan.
AIST Japan and TUT Finland sign contracts with Algoryx
Two new contracts for AGX Dynamics to be used within the AIST in Japan, and TUT in Finland.
Contract of AGX Dynamics for delivery of 120 simulators
Algoryx provides Oryx with the core technology of AGX Dynamics which is the physics engine in Oryx simulators.
Meet Algoryx at Oceanology, London
Book your meeting with Algoryx in London 11-13th of March 2014 at the Oceanology International forum.