Algoryx is a proud sponsor of the annual robot competition held by the MSc program in Engineering Physics at Umeå University. and want to congratulate the team “Robotdags!!!” and Fredrik Peteri, Emilia Harr, Johan Peteri, and Robin Wallace on their victory in the competition.
Due to Covid-19, this year’s competition was held virtually. – Our design clearly became a bit more “wild” because of that, the team Robotdags!!!, explains. We choose a design with seven driving pendulum shafts, with a total of 14 wheels, this would have been too expensive in reality with all the engines, gears, rubber wheels, etc.

After the pandemic, we would like to get back to compete with physical robots, as we normally do. But it would be fun to keep some virtual elements in the competition, especially for autonomous control says team Robotdags!!!. In reality, sensors always create a problem with e.g. noise, something that’s easier to handle with simulated sensors. There is also a good possibility for precise positioning, which can make it easier to write simpler algorithms for self-driving.
We have learned a lot from this project, developing a working (and winning) robot and competing against other teams is a good exercise, team Robotdags!!! explains. It was a challenge to write the robot code we believe this knowledge can be important for future work, Robotdags!!! continues.
We at Algoryx are really impressed by the effort and creativity all the participating students have put into this challenge and believe they are all heading towards a bright future.