Tutorials: OpenPLX with AGX Dynamics

Learn to use OpenPLX together with AGX Dynamics through step-by step tutorials. Follow the instructions to get familiar with basic OpenPLX concepts, as well as exaples of domain-specific bundles for Heavy Machines (and soon, Robotics).

Note: You will require an AGX Dynamics installation with an active license to run the simulations. Contact Algoryx for a free Trial.

All tutorials are available as part of your AGX Dynamics installation. The direct links to open the tutorials will only work for Windows users.

The final examples will start in paused mode. Press 'E' to run the simulation.

Additional keybindings and arguments for agxViewer

Introduction to OpenPLX: Boxtruck

Required licenses: AGXCore

This tutorial will guide you through setting up a basic simulation using OpenPLX. The goal is to introduce some of the core concepts of OpenPLX by building a very simple model of a truck.


  • Initialize an OpenPLX scene and define a physics system
  • Create and configure rigid bodies with specific geometries
  • Connect components with constraints
  • Set up collision properties and friction materials
  • Attach visuals (obj-files and textures) to your models.
  • Basic signals: Control your machine using a python script and keyboard inputs.

Boxtruck Controls

Key Action
↑ (Up Arrow) Drive forwards
↓ (Down Arrow) Drive backwards

Not on Windows? In your AGX Dynamics installation, navigate to data/openplx/tutorials/t01-boxtruck/


Introduction to Automatic Assembly

Required licenses: AGXCore

This tutorial demonstrates how to use OpenPLX’s SNAP functionality for automatic component assembly. Using MateConnectors, OpenPLX can automatically align and position mechanical components, making model assembly efficient and modular.


  • SNAP and its role in automatic assembly.
  • Use MateConnectors to align components.
  • Configure hinges and cylindrical constraints for mechanical systems.
  • Debug SNAP assembly ambiguities.

Not on Windows? In your AGX Dynamics installation, navigate to data/openplx/tutorials/t02-Introduction-to-automatic-assembly/

Two Links One Axle


Required licenses: AGXCore, AGX DriveTrain, AGX Terrain, AGX Tracks

This tutorial will show you how to attach Tracks, a Drivetrain and a Terrain-interacting Shovel to an imported AGX model. .


  • Work with a preexisting AGX model
  • Generate tracks from sprockets and rollers
  • Define and attach a simple Drivetrain
  • Setup Shovels and a Deformable terrain

Bulldozer Controls

Key Action
↑ (Up Arrow) Drive forward using the drivetrain
↓ (Down Arrow) Drive backward using the drivetrain
PG UP (Page Up) Move the shovel up
PG DOWN (Page Down) Move the shovel down
HOME Tilt the shovel forward
END Tilt the shovel backward
← (Left Arrow) Move the rippers up
→ (Right Arrow) Move the rippers down

Not on Windows? In your AGX Dynamics installation, navigate to data/openplx/tutorials/t03-bulldozer/


Build a Heavy Machine Bundle

This is an advanced tutorial for user who want to design custom domain bundles. New users are recommended to skip ahead to the next tutorial that uses the heavy vehicle bundle designed in this tutorial.

Required licenses: AGXCore

Learn how to build your own bundle that can be resued to build different types of machines. This tutorial walks you through building a Crane template that can quickly be configured into a TBoom Crane, excavator arm, or similar.


  • Create a bundle using a config.openplx file.
  • Learn good practise for organising files in larger projects
  • Reuse models for different configurations

Not on Windows? In your AGX Dynamics installation, navigate to data/openplx/tutorials/t04-heavy-machine-bundle/

Pivot Boom Crane

Excavator Arm - Use the Heavy Machine Bundle

Required licenses: AGXCore, AGX Terrain

Learn how to use the `heavy_machine_bundle` to design an excavator. This tutorial will guide you through building an excavator arm with modular and reusable components. You will learn how to extend an existing bundle and configure it to work with different machine setups.


  • Reference a local OpenPLX bundle.
  • Reuse models with a domain-specific format.
  • Importe specific rigid bodies from `.agx` files.
  • Component-based modeling with `becomes` keyword.

Excavator Controls

Key Action
↑ (Up Arrow) Move the boom up
↓ (Down Arrow) Move the boom down
→ (Right Arrow) Rotate the excavator swing to the right
← (Left Arrow) Rotate the excavator swing to the left
A Extend the stick
S Retract the stick
, (Comma Key) Open the bucket
. (Period Key) Close the bucket

Not on Windows? In your AGX Dynamics installation, navigate to data/openplx/tutorials/t05-excavator/

Excavator Arm