40. 3D Viewer and default rendering

The tutorials and also the application agxViewer are all based on the class agxOSG::ExampleApplication. It is a class that is responsible for parsing command line arguments, reading files, creating a 3D window, stepping simulation and rendering the simulation. The 3D rendering is based on OpenSceneGraph.

40.1. agxViewer

agxViewer is an application for reading various files (.agx, .aagx, .agxScene, …). It is the default program for opening: .agx, .aagx, .agxPy, and agxPyz … files.

If you want to use agxViewer (and any other example/tutorial) from the command line/terminal, make sure you execute the setup_env.bat file in the installed agx directory from the cmd/terminal-instance. Otherwise it will not be able to find all the required dll-files and configuration files.

Help can be obtained with the argument:

cmd> agxViewer –help

For a list of available arguments, see Table 40.2 Arguments to agxViewer.

Sample use of agxViewer:

agxViewer --sceneFile template_scene1.agxScene --startPaused --stopAfter 3.1 --capture 1 --captureFPS 30 --saveScene store.agx --saveAfter 3

The above example will:

  • Load the scene file template_scene1.agxScene

  • Start paused (press ‘e’ to continue)

  • Exit the application after 3.1 seconds of simulation time

  • Enable the capture of each frame as a .bmp file (agx__0001.bmp…)

  • Capture 30 images/second (in simulation time to achieve real-time)

  • 3.0 seconds into the simulation, the scene will be stored to disk with the name ‘store.agx

For a list of available key bindings of the agxViewer application, see Table 40.1: Keyboard bindings.

40.1.1. 3D Rendering in Linux

To create an OpenGL context in Linux, GLX functions has traditionally been used to communicate with a X-server and create the context. This is also what OpenSceneGraph does when built to use OpenGL. To perform headless rendering, possible in the cloud or on a cluster, the requirement of having a X-server present to be able to use GLX can be unwanted.

It does not matter if it is a virtual framebuffer X-server that will not provide hardware acceleration or a real X-server configured to use one or more system GPUs and allow for not having a physical display connected. Neither of these two options is ideal for headless rendering.

Modern Linux distributions which have OpenGL libraries that support Vendor-Neutral-Dispatch (glvnd) usually also support EGL. With EGL it is possible to create an OpenGL Context without the requirement for having a X-server running. In such a setup, all of the libraries libGL, libEGL, libGLX, libOpenGL links to libGLdispatch which handles that there can be multiple drivers and maps API calls to the right driver instead of early days of OpenGL on Linux where drivers fought over which one should provide libGL.

EGL is supported in AGX packades for Ubuntu-18.04 and newer and CentOS 7.4 and newer where the base distribution have the required libraries and they are built in the right way.

To make use of headless rendering, the --osgWindow 0 flag can be used and seamlessly agxOSG::ExampleApplication will use EGL in Linux to create a graphics context and provide OpenSceneGraph with said context. If EGL is not configured correctly on the machine or the EGL context creation does not succeed, OpenSceneGraph will try to create a context instead via GLX as fallback. Possible EGL troubleshooting in Linux

  1. Make sure your distribution has glvnd support.

  2. Test that system provided utils can use EGL, e.g. eglinfo.

  3. Check that EGL Installable Client Driver (ICD) files are placed correctly, normally in /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d and that the correct vendor EGL libraries are referenced. Normally done automatically but can be needed when using Docker.

  4. Make sure Linux kernel graphics driver and corresponding vendor OpenGL libraries have matching version number.

40.1.2. ImageCapture

The agxViewer example above demonstrates how to capture images to file. The class used for this is agxOSG::ImageCapture.

agxOSG::ImageCapture* myCapture = application->getImageCapture();

ImageCapture has methods for

  • changing the file format (setPostfix)

  • changing the image logging frequency(setFps)

  • turning logging on or off

  • changing the image destination(setDirectoryPath)

The last one is important if the executable (agxViewer, your tutorial, …) is stored in a folder where the default user lacks writing access – in this case, logging the images would fail and a different location for the images should be given.

40.1.3. VideoCapture

ExampleApplication can capture video from the simulation using FFMPEG if a graphics window is present. To start video capturing from the agxViewer command line, the following, arguments can be used:

  • --captureVideo 1 - Starts the video capture when the simulation starts.

  • --captureFPS <float> - Decides the number of frames that should be captured per second.

  • --videoFPS <float> - Decides the FPS of the created video.

  • --videoName <str> - Name of file, or path and name of capture video file.

The video will be saved as agx_mov.mp4 in the working directory unless --videoName <str> is used.

Video capture can also be started using the API:

auto* vc = app.getVideoServerCapture();
vc->getEnableSyncWithSimulation();  // Synchronize the capture with the simulation time

where app is an instance of the agxOSG::ExampleApplication. The video capture can be paused and resumed using

vc->stopCapture();  // Pause
// Do something
vc->startCapture();  // Resume

The video capture process (FFMPEG) can be stopped, allowing a new video file to be created:

vc->setFilename("video_file_2");  // Change the file name to avoid overwriting the previous file
vc->startProcess();  // Start recording a new video

The capture and video FPS can be changed as well:


The capture FPS specifies the number of frames that will be captured each second, and the video FPS decides the playback speed of the video. A real time factor can be calculated by dividing the capture FPS with the video FPS, where a number less than 1 yields a slow motion video, and a number greater than 1 produces a timelapse.

See the AGX Dynamics API Documentation for the agxOSG::VideoFFMPEGPipeCapture class for more information on configuring the video capture.

40.1.4. Key bindings

Table 40.1 Keyboard bindings



Numeric keys, function keys

Select scene


not used (reserved for use in specific scenes)


Toggle statistics reporting to screen (debug rendering)


contact reduction (trimesh) circles between binning3, off, binning2


contact reduction circles between off, binning2, binning3


Toggle simulation run/pause


Toggle full screen


Toggle debug rendering


move camera to the left

i + left mouse

information about selected body


move camera backwards


move camera to the right


move camera downwards

m + left mouse

camera follows selected body


reserved for memory debugging


Toggle statistics reporting to screen (debug rendering) and console


move camera upwards


Toggle merge/split functionality


Toggle real time synchronization for image capture


In paused simulation, take a single time step


Toggle OSG statistics


Toggle synchronization of image capture with wall/simulation time


Move camera upwards


gravity points towards screen down


circle between osg shading modes (polygon, wire frame, points)

x + left mouse

remove selected body

left alt + x

move all non-static rigid bodies to the left


Toggle update debug render cache for simulation in pause mode


not used (reserved for use in specific scenes)


Toggle debug rendering of AABB trees


Toggle debug rendering of bounding volumes (spheres or boxes depending on broad phase algorithm)


Print camera data to console


Delete all objects from simulation


Circle through solvers


Toggle text debug rendering


Toggle OSG rendering


Print help screen to console


restore simulation from scene.agx


Update collision detection


Toggle debug coloring mode


Toggle osg lightning


reserved for memory debugger


Reload scene


save simulation to scene.agx


run parallel performance test


Toggle wait in calling update (real-time sync)


Re-read specified configuration file


Toggle osg on screen stats


Toggle enable scene decorator


dump screenshot for povray


gravity points in original direction


save simulation to saved_scene.scene


Toggle simulation dump

left alt + X

move all non-static rigid bodies to the right


Toggle auto sleep of resting objects


Dump scene to osg-file


Select next scene

Select previous scene


Shoot sphere in camera direction

drag left mouse

rotate camera

mouse wheel up/down

adjust camera movement speed

left ctrl + drag left mouse

add temporary ball joint to selected body

left ctrl + drag mid mouse

add temporary lock joint to selected body

left ctrl + drag right mouse

add temporary lock joint resetting rotation to selected body

left alt + drag left mouse

move selected body/geometry (no dynamics)

left alt + drag right mouse

rotate selected body/geometry (no dynamics)


Reset camera to view all objects




Turn batch debug rendering off


Turn batch debug rendering on


Increase debug rendering scale


Decrease debug rendering scale


Toggle shader state


Toggle video capture on/off


Toggle image capture on/off

40.1.5. Arguments

Table 40.2 Arguments to agxViewer



--agxOnly  (shorthand: -a)

Only step AGX, no graphics


Enable external remote command connections

--attachScript <filename>

Specified a Python file that should be executed after a scene is loaded. Can be specified multiple times for multiple scripts

--broadPhase <grid | sweepAndPrune>

Specifies the broad phase algorithm. Default is sweep and prune


Switch on calculation of residuals during solver iterations

--capture <1 | 0>

Enable | disable capturing of screens to disk

--captureDirectory <directory>

Directory where captured frames are stored

--captureFPS <float>

Specify the desired capture rate for image capture

--captureFiletype <fileType>

File type of captured frames, eg 'png' (default is 'bmp')

--captureVideo <1 | 0>

Enable | disable ffmpeg capture of video to disk

--cfg <cfg-file>

Read in a configuration file

--clearColor r g b

Specifies the clear color for OpenGL

--clientQueue <1..n>

Specifies the maximum queue of simulation frames that the remote client will queue up before purging the queue. Default is 1

--coSimulationInputFile <filename>

File name for co simulation input data

--coSimulationOutputFile <filename>

File name for co simulation output data


Start as a controllable co-simulation server

--connect  <hostname>(:port)

Connect to a remote server

--contactReducer <0,1,2,3>

Specify the default contact reduction bin size between bodies, 0-disabled, 1-3 binResolution


Opens the next scene once the old one has been closed


Do not log current execution date output archive, but rather AGX build date. Mostly for unittests


Do not generate unique uuid for each new Serializable object. Mostly for unittests


Enable dumping of simulation to disk


Specify the interval (in seconds) between each dump of simulation to disk


Force redirect stdout | stderr to null device

--granularContactMode <2 | 3 | 4>

different granular contact modes (for internal usage).

--gravity x y z

Specify the gravity vector

--gravityEnabled <1 | 0>

0 will disable gravity, 1 will enable it (default)

--groundPlane <heightOverZero>

Create a plane with default material at specified height in Z

--help (shorthand: -h)

Prints help screen with command line arguments; exits


Use when interactiveRemoteClient will connect to AGX


Force 32bit floating point data in journal

--journalConfiguration <filename>

When recording a journal session, this is the file listing the buffers and values to record


Load the journal without initializing the simulation

--journalFormat <HDF5|CUSTOM>

The journal format

--journalFrequency <frequency>

The frequency of journal frames


Appends a session previously recorded journal if an .agxJournal file is specified as an argument. See –sessionName


Enables incremental journal recording. Important when simulation structure is changed during journal recording

--journalPlayback <filename>

Initiates playback from a previously recorded journal. See –sessionName

--journalPlaybackEofMode < LOOP | PAUSE | SIMULATE | RECORD >

What do do when journal EOF is reached. LOOP: Loop from start point, PAUSE: Pause playback, SIMULATE: Switch to simulation from current state, RECORD: Same as SIMULATE but also record new simulation frames to current journal session

--journalPlaybackStartAt <time | END>

Where to start journal playback

--journalPlaybackStopAt <time | END>

Where to stop journal playback


Initiates recording to a journal. See –sessionName and –journalRecordPath

--journalRecordPath <filename>

When recording a journal session, this is the journal in which the session will be stored

--journalRecordStartAt <time>

When recording a journal session, this is the time when the recording will start

--journalStep <timeStep>

Inverse frequency of journal frames

--listSessions <filename>

List the sessions stored in the given journal


Specify which MCP algorithm to use

--multiSamples <0..n>

Number of multi samples for anti aliasing (0 for off; default: 4)

--numImpactIterations <1..n>

Number of iterations during impact stage 1

--numIterations <1..n>

Number of iterations during normal solve (i.e., no impacts) This will override file any previous read value specified by file or script

--numIterationsForIterateLast <1..n>

Number of iterations performed on special constraints,

--numLCPIterations <1..n>

Max number of iterations for LCP solver

--numPPGSIterations <1..n>

Number of iterations during the Parallel-Projected-Gauss-Seidel solve, if enabled This will override file any previous read value specified by file or script

--numPostImpactIterations <1..n>

Number of iterations during impact stage 2 (can be less than for impact stage 1)

--numThreads <n>

Specify number of threads available for AGX

--osgWindow <1 | 0>

Render graphics, but optionally hidden window, useful for offline render to texture targets

--particleRenderMode <0 | 1 | 2>

set particle render mode < SPRITES(0) | QUAD_SPRITES(1) | TRIANGLES(2) >

--pauseAfter <float>

Will pause running simulation after this time stamp

--portFile <filename>

Print open ports to a file

--preIntegratePositions <1 | 0>

0 will integrate positions at end of timestep, 1 will integrate at beginning of timestep.

--profileFrequency <Hz>

Frequency of profiling, both thread timeline and task timings


Does a quick profiling (to analyze performance questions)

--quickProfilingFile <filename>

Send quick profiling output to this file instead of standard output

--quickProfilingNumTasks <integer>

The number of tasks to include in the quick profiling

--rcsPort <n>

Choose port for remote command server, default 5656, 0 will automatically find an available port


Start remote command server (default port 5656, modify with –rcsPort)

--realTime <1 | 0>

Sync stepping simulation to real clock time (1) or run as fast as possible (0). Default: 1

--renderDebug <1 | 0>

Specify whether rendering using agx Debug renderer is enabled or not


Turns rendering of (hierarchical) grid cells on

--renderOsg <1 | 0>

Specify whether rendering using OSG primitives is enabled or not

--renderProxyShadows <1 | 0>

If 1 geometries rendered by RenderProxys cast and recieves shadows. Default is 0

--resetTimersAtTime <time>

Reset task profiling accumulation timers at the given time

--save <filename>

Create scene and write to specified filename

--saveAfter <X seconds>

Step forward system until we read X seconds in simulation time then the content of the scene will be stored to disk

--saveScene <filename>

When save scene button is pressed, this is the file where the scene will be stored

--scene <n>

In a simulation with several scenes, load the n-th one (1…n)

--sceneFile <path>

Path to a .scene file that will be read


Start a remote debugger server

--serverCompress <0 | 1>

Specify whether compression of data for server will be used or not

--serverPort  <port>

Specify a socket port which will be used for listening for connection from a remote client

--serverTimeStep  <timeStep>

Specify the rate by which data is sent to the remote listener. Should be a multiple of the simulation time step

--serverWait <0 | 1>

Specify whether the server should wait for the client to ask for more data before sending a frame


When recording or playing a journal, this is the session that will be written to or read from

--shadowMethod <0,1,2>

Select shadow method

--solver <MULTI | ITERATIVE>

Specify which solver to use

--startPaused   (shorthand: -p)

Start the simulation in paused mode

--stopAfter <X seconds> (shorthand: -s <X>)

Step forward system X seconds in simulation time, relative to the initial simulation time

--stopAfterFrame <X steps>

Step forward system until we reach X simulation steps

--stopAt <X seconds>

Step forward system until we read X seconds in simulation time

--synchronize <1 | 0>

Synchronize image capture with Simulation time

--targetFPS <float>

Specify number of graphic window updates per second. Defaults to timesteps/second.


Enable export of task timing data

--threadTimeline <format>

Enable thread timeline profile. Format can be either ‘svg’ or ‘chrome’

--timeStep <float>

Specify the time step (dt) used for stepping the simulation

--translate x y z

Translate the debug rendering of the scene

--twoStagesImpacts <1 | 0>

Enable two stages impact (might be slow) default: 0

--unittest  (shorthand: -u)

Run all unit tests in file


Unit tests will not catch exceptions, but pass them on

--use32bitGranularBodySolver <0 | 1>

Specify if the Real32 granular body solver should be used

--useContactWarmstarting <0 | 1>

Toggles if warmstarting should be used for contacts with direction friction. Default 0

--useGranularWarmStarting <0 | 1>

Specify if warm starting for the granular GS solvers should be used

--useIndexSetWarmStarting <0 | 1>

Toggles if indexset should be warmstarted. Default 1

--useParallelPGS <0 | 1>

Specify if the ParallelPGS solver should be used


Use the shader based render state


Enable shadowing

--vSync <1 | 0>

Enable | Disable vSync

--version (shorthand: -v)

Prints version number, exits

--videoFPS <float>

Specify the desired fps for videos created using ffmpeg

--videoName <str>

  • Name of file

or path and name of capture video file.

--window width height

Specifies the size of the rendering window in pixels

--windowTitle title

Specifies the title of the rendering window. Default title is ‘AGX Dynamics’

In order to get an overview over all command line arguments, use the –help switch: agxViewer --help

40.2. agxArchive

agxArchive is an utility that can be used to convert between .agx and .aagx file, investigate a serialization file and creating a script archive.

40.2.1. Command line arguments

Table 40.3 Arguments to agxArchive




Show help


Disable UUID generation for deterministic output


Generate a random UUID string

--library <library name>

Pre-load an AGX Dynamics module library (.dll/.so) to enable deserialization of features not part of agxCore/agxPhysics


Create a compressed script archive


Decompress a script archive to disk

40.3. Usage

Investigate a serialization

The general use of agxArchive is to investigate a serialized file:

> agxArchive submarine.agx

Archive information
Header               Algoryx:AgX Library 64Bit
AGX version          :
Serialization version: 37
BuildDate            : Mar 30 2015
BuildTime            : 17:54:35
File format          : binary
File size            : 216601 bytes
Serialization date   :
Build flags

40.3.1. Convert files

By supplying two files (.agx/.aagx) one can convert between these two file formats (ascii/binary) for serialization.

> agxArchive submarine.agx output.aagx
Reading input file: submarine.agx
Writing output file: output.aagx

40.3.2. Pack a script archive

If you have a Python script file together with some data, you can use agxArchive to pack these files into a compressed archive. Directories will recursively be compressed into the archive.

Usage: agxArchive <archive-name> files and directories

> agxarchive --pack submarine.agxPyz submarine.agxPy submarine.agx

Successfully archived 2 files to archive 'submarine.agxPyz'

40.3.3. Unpack a script archive

Usage: agxArchive <archive-name> <target directory>

> agxArchive --unpack submarine.agxPyz myScripts
Successfully decompressed archive 'submarine.agxPyz'' into directory 'myScripts'

40.3.4. Pre-loading a library

agxArchive is not linked against all AGX Dynamics runtime libraries. Therefore it can be necessary to explicitly load some libraries to enable de-serialization of specific features.

For example, objects in the namespace agxDrivetrain:: are part of the agxModel library. Reading an archive containing such objects will fail because the agxModel libary will not be loaded automatically. In some cases, the correct library can be derived from the namespace. For example, an object in the agxModel namespace will automatically be searched for in the agxModel dynamic library. To explicitly load a module, the –library argument can be used:

Usage: agxArchive <archive-name> –library name1 –library name2

> agxArchive myModel.agx --library agxModel --library agxTerrain

40.3.5. Increasing performance for high frequency simulations with graphics

By default the number of graphics window updates per second is set to 60 frames per second (fps) regardless of the simulation timestep. This will throttle graphic updates to 60 frames per second (fps), while the simulation still runs at full speed. When using high frequency simulations, ie > 500Hz (timestep < 0.002 seconds) this has a severe impact on the simulation performance. A target fps higher than 60 is unnecessary for most applications, but you can change it using --targetFPS <float>, or disable throttling altogether with --targetFPS 0

When stepping manually through a simulation, each simulation step will always update the graphics window.