AGX Dynamics
No Matches
agxTerrain::Shovel Class Reference

Shovel object used to interact with a terrain via an active zone that converts solid terrain to dynamic terrain which can be moved by the shovel rigid body. More...

#include <Shovel.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for agxTerrain::Shovel:


class  ExcavationSettings
 Class containing the settings for the different ExcavationModes for a shovel. More...
struct  SoilPenetrationParameters
struct  TeethSettings

Public Types

enum class  ExcavationMode : agx::UInt32 { PRIMARY = 0 , DEFORM_BACK = 1 , DEFORM_RIGHT = 2 , DEFORM_LEFT = 3 }
 Enum for describing the different excavation modes of a shovel: More...
- Public Types inherited from agx::Component
typedef Event2< Component *, Object * > ObjectEvent
 Event when adding removing child objects.
typedef Callback1< Object * > TraverseCallback
- Public Types inherited from agx::Object
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const EventEventConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const EventEventConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< EventEventObserver
typedef agx::Vector< EventObserverEventObserverVector
typedef agx::VectorPOD< Event * > EventPtrVector
typedef agx::ref_ptr< EventEventRef
typedef agx::Vector< EventRefEventRefVector

Public Member Functions

 Shovel (agx::RigidBody *shovelBody, const agx::Line &topEdge, const agx::Line &cuttingEdge, const agx::Vec3 &cuttingDirection, Shovel *connectedShovel=nullptr)
 Basic constructor.
bool collisionGeometriesAreInsideTerrain (Terrain *terrain) const
 Check if any of the collision geometries are inside terrain bounds.
agx::Real computeCuttingEdgeLength () const
TerraingetActiveTerrain () const
PrimaryActiveZonegetActiveZone () const
AdvancedShovelSettingsgetAdvancedSettings ()
AggregateContactGeneratorgetAggregateContactGenerator () const
agx::MaterialgetAggregateMaterial () const
agx::Real getAggregateTerrainContactArea (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
 Get the aggregate <-> terrain contact area given an excavation mode and a shovel.
agx::Real getAggregateTerrainContactDepth (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
agx::Vec3 getAggregateTerrainContactForce (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
 Get the terrain <-> aggregate contact force for the given excavation mode.
agxCollide::GeometryContactPtrVector getAggregateTerrainContacts (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
 Get the aggregate <-> terrain geometry contacts with the shovel given an excavation mode.
agx::Vec3 getAggregateTerrainNormalForce (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
 Get the terrain <-> aggregate normal force for the given excavation mode.
agx::Vec3 getAggregateTerrainTangentialForce (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
 Get the terrain <-> aggregate tangential force for the given excavation mode.
agx::Vec3 getContactForce () const
 Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total shovel contact force between the shovel and it's active terrain.
agx::Plane getCurrentSeparationPlane (ExcavationMode mode) const
const agx::Vec3getCuttingDirection () const
agx::Vec3 getCuttingDirectionWorld () const
const agx::LinegetCuttingEdge () const
agx::Line getCuttingEdgeWorld () const
agx::Real getDeadLoadFraction () const
 Get the last computed dead load fraction of the shovel, i.e how much of it's inner volume that is filled with dynamic soil.
agx::Vec3 getDeformationContactForce () const
 Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total contact force between the terrain deformation soil aggregate and the shovel.
DeformControllergetDeformController () const
agx::Real getDynamicMass () const
bool getEnable () const
 Access the state enable flag.
bool getEnableForTerrain (Terrain *terrain) const
agx::Vec3 getExcavationModeContactForce (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
 Calculates total contact force between the soil aggregate associated with the specified excavation mode in the shovel.
ExcavationSettingsgetExcavationSettings (ExcavationMode mode)
const agx::Vector< agxCollide::BoundingAABB > & getForbiddenBounds ()
 Get the shovels forbidden bounds.
agx::Real getInnerContactArea () const
 Get the last computed inner contact area of the shovel, i.e the estimated cross-section area of the inner volume that is filled with dynamic soil.
agx::Real getInnerVolume () const
agx::FramegetParentFrame () const
bool getPenetrationForce (agx::Vec3 &force, agx::Vec3 &torque) const
 The result includes the active force and torque from the penetration resistance from the active terrain on the shovel if the shovel is digging in the terrain.
SoilPenetrationResistancegetPenetrationResistance () const
virtual agx::RigidBodygetRigidBody () const override
agx::Vec3 getSecondaryCuttingDirection () const
agx::Real getSecondarySeparationAngle () const
agx::Vec3 getSeparationContactForce () const
 Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total contact force between the terrain soil particle aggregate and the shovel.
agx::Vec3 getSeparationFrictionForce () const
 Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total contact friction force between the terrain soil particle aggregate and the given shovel.
agx::Vec3 getSeparationNormalForce () const
 Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total contact normal force between the terrain soil particle aggregate and the shovel.
ShovelSettingsgetSettings ()
agx::ContactMaterialgetShovelAggregateContactMaterial (Shovel::ExcavationMode mode=Shovel::ExcavationMode::PRIMARY) const
 Get the explicitly set contact material in a shovel-aggregate contact corresponding to a specified excavation mode for the shovel.
agxCollide::GeometryContactPtrVector getShovelAggregateContacts (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
 Get the shovel <-> aggregate contacts with the soil particle aggregate for the given excavation mode.
ShovelAggregateContactMaterialContainergetShovelTerrainContactMaterialContainer () const
agx::Real getSoilAggregateMass (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
 Returns the total soil aggregate mass in the shovel for the specific excavation mode.
SoilParticleAggregategetSoilParticleAggregate () const
bool getSoilPenetrationModel (agxTerrain::SoilPenetrationResistance::PenetrationModel &model) const
 Get the soil penetration model used for the shovel.
const agx::LinegetTopEdge () const
agx::Line getTopEdgeWorld () const
const agxCollide::GeometryRefVectorgetVoxelCollisionGeometries () const
const agx::RigidBodygetWedgeAggregate (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode) const
bool isActive () const
bool isDigging () const
 Check if the shovel is currently in digging mode with a terrain, i.e if the cutting edge is submerged.
virtual bool isValid () const override
void setCuttingDirection (agx::Vec3 cuttingDirection)
void setCuttingEdge (agx::Line cuttingEdge)
 Set the cutting edge in local space.
void setEnable (bool enable)
 Change state enable of this shovel.
void setEnableForTerrain (Terrain *terrain, bool enable)
 Set if the shovel is enabled for the particular terrain.
void setEnableShovelTerrainGeometryContacts (Terrain *terrain, bool enable)
 Set if regular geometry contacts should be created between the shovel geometries and the associated terrain geometry.
void setExcavationSettings (ExcavationMode mode, ExcavationSettings excavationSettings)
 Set a settings object for an ExcavationMode of the shovel.
bool setShovelAggregateContactMaterial (agx::ContactMaterial *contactMaterial, Shovel::ExcavationMode mode=Shovel::ExcavationMode::PRIMARY)
 Explicitly set contact material properties in a shovel-aggregate contact for a specific excavation mode for the shovel.
bool setSoilPenetrationModel (agxTerrain::SoilPenetrationResistance::PenetrationModel model)
 Set the soil penetration model used for the shovel.
void setTopEdge (agx::Line topEdge)
 Set the top edge in local space.
- Public Member Functions inherited from agxSDK::ShovelInstance
void addEventListener (agxSDK::StepEventListener *listener)
 Add a StepEventListener which follows the shovel - ie added and removed from a simulation at the same time as the shovel is added/removed from the simulation.
virtual agx::RigidBodygetRigidBody () const =0
agxSDK::SimulationgetSimulation () const
virtual bool isValid () const =0
bool removeEventListener (agxSDK::StepEventListener *listener)
 Remove an added StepEventListener from the shovel.
- Public Member Functions inherited from agx::Component
 Component (const agx::Name &name=agx::Name(), agx::Model *model=agx::Component::ClassModel(), agx::Device *device=nullptr)
virtual void addObject (agx::Object *object, bool assignContext=true)
 Add an object to the component.
virtual String autoComplete (const String &partialName, StringVector &matchingNames) const
virtual void buildNavigationTree (agxJson::Value &eNode) const override
void configure (Model *model)
virtual void configure (TiXmlElement *eComponent) override
agx::DevicegetDevice ()
template<typename T >
T * getDevice ()
const agx::DevicegetDevice () const
template<typename T >
const T * getDevice () const
size_t getNumObjects (const agx::Name &name) const
agx::ObjectgetObject (const agx::Name &name, agx::Model *model, size_t index=0)
const agx::ObjectgetObject (const agx::Name &name, agx::Model *model, size_t index=0) const
agx::ObjectgetObject (const agx::Name &name, size_t index=0)
template<typename T >
T * getObject (const agx::Name &name, size_t index=0)
const agx::ObjectgetObject (const agx::Name &name, size_t index=0) const
template<typename T >
const T * getObject (const agx::Name &name, size_t index=0) const
const agx::ObjectRefVectorgetObjects () const
template<typename T >
void getObjects (agx::ObjectPtrVector &result, bool recursive=false) const
void getObjects (agx::ObjectPtrVector &result, const agx::Model *model, bool recursive=false) const
virtual ObjectgetResourceImpl (const Path &path, agx::Model *model) override
virtual void printSubtree () const override
void printSubtree (std::ostream &stream, int depth=0) const
virtual void rebind () override
void removeAllObjects ()
 Remove all components.
virtual void removeObject (agx::Object *object)
 Remove an object from the component.
void removeObject (const agx::Name &name, size_t index=0)
 Remove an object with a specified name (and optional index) from the component.
virtual void snapshot (TiXmlNode *eParent, const String &directory) const override
void traverse (ComponentVisitor *)
void traverse (const TraverseCallback &callback)
- Public Member Functions inherited from agx::Object
 Object (const Name &name=Name(), Model *model=Object::ClassModel())
void addListener (EventListener *listener)
virtual void buildNavigationTree (agxJson::Value &eNode) const
virtual void configure (TiXmlElement *)
agx::String fullName () const
agx::String fullPath () const
agx::String fullPath (const agx::Object *root) const
template<typename T >
T * getAutoScopedResource (const agx::Path &path)
template<typename T >
const T * getAutoScopedResource (const agx::Path &path) const
agx::ObjectgetAutoScopedResource (const agx::Path &path, agx::Model *model=nullptr)
const agx::ObjectgetAutoScopedResource (const agx::Path &path, agx::Model *model=nullptr) const
agx::ObjectgetContext ()
template<typename T >
T * getContext ()
const agx::ObjectgetContext () const
template<typename T >
const T * getContext () const
agx::UInt32 getId () const
const agx::NamegetImplementationName () const
agx::ModelgetModel ()
const agx::ModelgetModel () const
const agx::NamegetName () const
agx::ObjectgetNextSibling ()
const agx::ObjectgetNextSibling () const
agx::Path getPath () const
agx::Path getPath (const agx::Object *root) const
template<typename T >
T * getResource (const agx::Path &path)
template<typename T >
const T * getResource (const agx::Path &path) const
agx::ObjectgetResource (const agx::Path &path, agx::Model *model=nullptr)
const agx::ObjectgetResource (const agx::Path &path, agx::Model *model=nullptr) const
virtual agx::ObjectgetResourceImpl (const agx::Path &path, agx::Model *model)
agx::ObjectgetRootContext ()
const agx::ObjectgetRootContext () const
bool hasListener (EventListener *listener)
bool hasParent (const agx::Object *node) const
bool isUnique () const
virtual void printSubtree () const
virtual void rebind ()
void removeListener (EventListener *listener)
virtual void save (TiXmlElement *) const
virtual void setContext (agx::Object *context)
void setId (UInt32 id)
void setModel (agx::Model *model)
 Set the object model (handled automatically).
void setName (const agx::Name &name)
 Set the name of the object.
virtual void snapshot (TiXmlNode *, const String &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from agx::Referenced
 Referenced ()
 Default constructor.
 Referenced (const Referenced &)
template<typename T >
T * as ()
 Subclass casting.
template<typename T >
const T * as () const
template<typename T >
T * asSafe ()
 Safe subclass casting, return nullptr if template type does not match.
template<typename T >
const T * asSafe () const
int getReferenceCount () const
template<typename T >
bool is () const
 Subclass test.
Referencedoperator= (const Referenced &)
 Assignment operator. Will increment the number of references to the referenced object.
void reference (void *ptr=nullptr) const
 Explicitly increment the reference count by one, indicating that this object has another pointer which is referencing it.
void unreference (void *ptr=nullptr) const
 Decrement the reference count by one, indicating that a pointer to this object is referencing it.
void unreference_nodelete () const
 Decrement the reference count by one, indicating that a pointer to this object is referencing it.
- Public Member Functions inherited from agxStream::Serializable
virtual ~Serializable ()
 Destructor for normal C++ use but hidden from SWIG bindings.
virtual const char * getClassName () const
bool getEnableSerialization () const
bool getEnableUuidGeneration ()
agx::UInt32 getIndex () const
 This index is given at creation of this object.
virtual StorageAgent * getStorageAgent () const =0
agx::Uuid getUuid () const
bool isFinished () const
void setEnableSerialization (bool flag)
 Set to false to disable serialization of this object.
void setFinished ()
 Tells this class that it is restored correctly and should not be deleted during destruction of an Archive.
void setUuid (const agx::Uuid &uuid)
 Explicitly set a Uuid on a serializable object.

Static Public Member Functions

static Shovelfind (const agxSDK::Simulation *simulation, const agx::Name &name)
 Find first shovel with given name.
static Shovelfind (const agxSDK::Simulation *simulation, const agx::Uuid &uuid)
 Find shovel with given UUID.
static ShovelPtrVector findAll (const agxSDK::Simulation *simulation)
 Finds all shovels in the given simulation.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from agx::Component
static Component_load (TiXmlElement *eComponent, Device *device)
static agx::ModelClassModel ()
static Componentload (const Path &path, const Name &implementation, Device *device, const Path &_namespace=Path())
static Componentload (const String &path, const Path &_namespace=Path())
static Componentload (const String &path, Device *device, const Path &_namespace=Path())
static Componentload (TiXmlElement *eComponent, Device *device)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from agx::Object
static agx::ModelClassModel ()
static agx::String generateName (const agx::String &bindPath)
static const HashSet< Object * > & getActiveObjects ()
static bool getEnableRebind ()
 Should rebinding be allowed? Right now a global setting.
static Objectload (const String &path, Device *device, const String &type, const String &attribute, const String &value)
template<typename T >
static T * load (const String &path, Device *device, const String &type, const String &attribute, const String &value)
static Objectload (const String &path, Device *device, const String &type="", size_t instance=0)
template<typename T >
static T * load (const String &path, Device *device, const String &type="", size_t instance=0)
static void load (const String &path, Device *device, ObjectPtrVector &loadedObjects)
static Objectload (TiXmlElement *eObject, Device *device)
template<typename T >
static T * load (TiXmlElement *eObject, Device *device)
static TiXmlDocument openDocument (const String &path)
static void setEnableRebind (bool flag)
 Sets if rebinding of objects should be allowed (Right now a global setting).
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from agx::Referenced
template<typename T >
static bool ValidateCast (const Referenced *object)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from agxStream::Serializable
static void setEnableUuidGeneration (bool flag)
 Specify if there should be UUID:s generated for each new Serializable object. By default it is enabled.

Protected Types

using Flags = agx::BitState< StateFlags, agx::UInt32 >
enum  StateFlags : agx::UInt32 {

Protected Member Functions

 Shovel ()
 Default constructor used in serialization.
virtual ~Shovel ()
 Reference counted object - protected destructor.
virtual void addNotification () override
 Add notification when a shovel is added to a simulation.
void calculateDeadLoadFraction ()
void calculateForbiddenBounds ()
 Calculate the shovels forbidden bounds around all the active zones.
void checkContactMaterials ()
void clearActiveZoneWedges () const
 Clear the active zone wedges of the primary active zones and deformers.
agx::Real computeDefaultContactRegionThreshold () const
agx::FramecreateParentFrame ()
agxCollide::GeometryRefVector createVoxelCollisionGeometries (agx::Real tessellationLevel=0.5) const
agx::Vec3 ensureCuttingDirectionIsNormalized (agx::Vec3 cuttingDirection)
agxSDK::TerrainManager * getTerrainManager ()
TerrainPtrVec getTerrainsInSimulation ()
void initalizeContactMaterialsForExistingTerrains (agxSDK::Simulation *simulation)
 Initialize contact materials when added to simulation.
virtual void last () override
 Callback to be executed at the end of the time step Shovel and Terrain step events are synchronized via the TerrainManager.
virtual void post () override
 Executes post-step events for agxTerrain::Shovel in the simulation.
virtual void pre () override
 Executes pre-step events for agxTerrain::Shovel in the simulation.
virtual void preCollide () override
 Executes pre-collide events for agxTerrain::Shovel in the simulation.
virtual void removeNotification () override
 Remove notification when this shovel is removed from a simulation.
void setAggregateMaterial (agx::Material *material)
 Set the common material used by the SoilParticleAggregates inside the primary active zone and deformers.
bool shovelHasParticles () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from agxSDK::ShovelInstance
 ShovelInstance ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~ShovelInstance ()
 Reference counted object - protected destructor.
virtual void addNotification ()
virtual void last ()
virtual void post ()
virtual void pre ()
virtual void preCollide ()
virtual void removeNotification ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from agx::Component
virtual ~Component ()
String expandAutoCompletionMatch (const String &query, const StringVector &matchingNames) const
void setDevice (Device *device)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from agx::Object
virtual ~Object ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from agx::Referenced
virtual ~Referenced ()
void allocateObserverVector () const
void deleteUsingDeleteHandler () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from agxStream::Serializable
 Serializable ()
 Default constructor.
 Serializable (const Serializable &other)
 Copy constructor.
void generateUuid ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static agx::UInt excavationModeToDeformerCollectionIndex (Shovel::ExcavationMode excavationMode)
 Cast from excavation mode enum to deformer collection index.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from agx::Referenced
static DeleteHandlergetDeleteHandler ()
static void setDeleteHandler (DeleteHandler *handler)
 Internal: Set a DeleteHandler to which deletion of all referenced counted objects will be delegated to.

Protected Attributes

PrimaryActiveZoneRef m_activeZone
AggregateContactGeneratorRef m_aggregateContactGenerator
agx::MaterialRef m_aggregateMaterial
agxCollide::BoundingAABB m_collisionBound
agx::Vec3 m_cuttingDirection
agx::Line m_cuttingEdge
agx::Real m_deadLoadFraction
DeformControllerRef m_deformController
bool m_enabled
std::array< ExcavationSettings, 4 > m_excavationSettings
agx::Vector< agxCollide::BoundingAABBm_forbiddenBounds
agx::Real m_innerContactArea
bool m_isActive
agx::FrameRef m_parentFrame
SoilPenetrationResistanceRef m_penetrationResistance
bool m_settingsAreDirty
ShovelAggregateContactMaterialContainerRef m_shovelAggregateCMContainer
agx::RigidBodyRef m_shovelBody
ShovelSettingsRef m_shovelSettings
SoilParticleAggregateRef m_soilParticleAggregate
agx::Line m_topEdge
agxCollide::GeometryRefVector m_voxelCollisionGeometries
agx::Vec3iVector m_voxelsInPrimaryActiveZoneLastTimeStep
- Protected Attributes inherited from agx::Referenced
Mutex m_mutex
ObserverContainer m_observers
AtomicValue m_refCount

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from agx::Component
ObjectEvent addObjectEvent
ObjectEvent removeObjectEvent

Detailed Description

Shovel object used to interact with a terrain via an active zone that converts solid terrain to dynamic terrain which can be moved by the shovel rigid body.

A shovel object consists of a rigid body, two edges and a cutting direction. A convex inner shape is created between the two edges, the top edge and the cutting edge, and the attached rigid body. When the cutting edge intersects a terrain surface an active zone is created in the cutting direction inside the terrain, which then converts solid mass into dynamic mass. The shovel receives feedback forces through a rigid body aggregate constructed from the intertia of the soil particles in the active zone.

The shovel has 4 modes for deforming terrain: PRIMARY, DEFORM_BACK, DEFORM_LEFT and DEFORM_RIGHT. See the Shovel::ExcavationMode enum for details.

Definition at line 61 of file Shovel.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Flags

using agxTerrain::Shovel::Flags = agx::BitState<StateFlags, agx::UInt32>

Definition at line 811 of file Shovel.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ExcavationMode

Enum for describing the different excavation modes of a shovel:


The primary mode of excavation, where the shovel digs along the cutting direction in the terrain horizontal plane.


The mode of excavation where the shovel is digging in the opposite direction of the cutting direction in the terrain horizontal plane.

( Example: Backside grading )


The mode of excavation where the shovel is digging to the clock wise (Right) direction orthogonal to the cutting direction in the terrain horizontal plane.

( Example: Side push/grading )


The mode of excavation where the shovel is digging to the counter-clock wise (Left) direction orthogonal to the cutting direction in the terrain horizontal plane.

( Example: Side push/grading )

Definition at line 114 of file Shovel.h.

◆ StateFlags


Definition at line 801 of file Shovel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Shovel() [1/2]

agxTerrain::Shovel::Shovel ( agx::RigidBody shovelBody,
const agx::Line topEdge,
const agx::Line cuttingEdge,
const agx::Vec3 cuttingDirection,
Shovel connectedShovel = nullptr 

Basic constructor.

shovelBody- The base body of the shovel.
topEdge- The top edge of the active zone, specified in the LOCAL shovelBody frame that will be created in front of the shovel.
cuttingEdge- The lowest edge on the shovel, specified in the LOCAL shovelBody frame that serves as the cutting edge of the active zone.
cuttingDirection- The cutting direction of the shovel where the penetration resistance will be active, which is usually parallel to the lowest shovel plate that is used to initially penetrate the soil.
connectedShovel- Set if the shovel should be connected to another shovels InnerBody for purposes of simulating composite shovels with varying shovel vectors in along the shovel geometry. This means you can have multiple cutting edges with varying orientation per shovel where you have a central shovel with a single inner shape. (Default: nullptr)

◆ Shovel() [2/2]

agxTerrain::Shovel::Shovel ( )

Default constructor used in serialization.

◆ ~Shovel()

virtual agxTerrain::Shovel::~Shovel ( )

Reference counted object - protected destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addNotification()

virtual void agxTerrain::Shovel::addNotification ( )

Add notification when a shovel is added to a simulation.

Reimplemented from agxSDK::ShovelInstance.

◆ calculateDeadLoadFraction()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::calculateDeadLoadFraction ( )

◆ calculateForbiddenBounds()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::calculateForbiddenBounds ( )

Calculate the shovels forbidden bounds around all the active zones.

◆ checkContactMaterials()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::checkContactMaterials ( )

◆ clearActiveZoneWedges()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::clearActiveZoneWedges ( ) const

Clear the active zone wedges of the primary active zones and deformers.

◆ collisionGeometriesAreInsideTerrain()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::collisionGeometriesAreInsideTerrain ( Terrain terrain) const

Check if any of the collision geometries are inside terrain bounds.

◆ computeCuttingEdgeLength()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::computeCuttingEdgeLength ( ) const
the computed cutting edge length of the Shovel.

◆ computeDefaultContactRegionThreshold()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::computeDefaultContactRegionThreshold ( ) const

◆ createParentFrame()

agx::Frame * agxTerrain::Shovel::createParentFrame ( )

◆ createVoxelCollisionGeometries()

agxCollide::GeometryRefVector agxTerrain::Shovel::createVoxelCollisionGeometries ( agx::Real  tessellationLevel = 0.5) const

◆ ensureCuttingDirectionIsNormalized()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::ensureCuttingDirectionIsNormalized ( agx::Vec3  cuttingDirection)

◆ excavationModeToDeformerCollectionIndex()

static agx::UInt agxTerrain::Shovel::excavationModeToDeformerCollectionIndex ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode)

Cast from excavation mode enum to deformer collection index.

◆ find() [1/2]

static Shovel * agxTerrain::Shovel::find ( const agxSDK::Simulation simulation,
const agx::Name name 

Find first shovel with given name.

simulation- simulation the shovel is part of
name- name of the shovel
shovel if found - otherwise nullptr

◆ find() [2/2]

static Shovel * agxTerrain::Shovel::find ( const agxSDK::Simulation simulation,
const agx::Uuid uuid 

Find shovel with given UUID.

simulation- simulation the shovel is part of
uuid- UUID of the shovel
shovel if found - otherwise nullptr

◆ findAll()

static ShovelPtrVector agxTerrain::Shovel::findAll ( const agxSDK::Simulation simulation)

Finds all shovels in the given simulation.

simulation- simulation with shovels.
vector of shovels

◆ getActiveTerrain()

Terrain * agxTerrain::Shovel::getActiveTerrain ( ) const

◆ getActiveZone()

PrimaryActiveZone * agxTerrain::Shovel::getActiveZone ( ) const
shovel active zone specific for this shovel instance

◆ getAdvancedSettings()

AdvancedShovelSettings * agxTerrain::Shovel::getAdvancedSettings ( )
the advanced settings for the shovel.

◆ getAggregateContactGenerator()

AggregateContactGenerator * agxTerrain::Shovel::getAggregateContactGenerator ( ) const
aggregate contact generator specific for this shovel instance

◆ getAggregateMaterial()

agx::Material * agxTerrain::Shovel::getAggregateMaterial ( ) const
the common material used for the SoilParticleAggregates inside the primary active zone and deformers.

◆ getAggregateTerrainContactArea()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::getAggregateTerrainContactArea ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const

Get the aggregate <-> terrain contact area given an excavation mode and a shovel.

excavationMode- the excavation mode that the aggregate belongs too ( PRIMARY, DEFORM_BACK, DEFORM_RIGHT, DEFORM_LEFT )
the aggregate <-> terrain contact area given an excavation mode and a shovel.

◆ getAggregateTerrainContactDepth()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::getAggregateTerrainContactDepth ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const
the current wedge aggregate depth in the specified collection given an excavation mode.

◆ getAggregateTerrainContactForce()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getAggregateTerrainContactForce ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const

Get the terrain <-> aggregate contact force for the given excavation mode.

excavationMode- the excavation mode that the aggregate belongs too ( PRIMARY, DEFORM_BACK, DEFORM_RIGHT, DEFORM_LEFT )
the total force (N) acting on the aggregate in the terrain-aggregate contact

◆ getAggregateTerrainContacts()

agxCollide::GeometryContactPtrVector agxTerrain::Shovel::getAggregateTerrainContacts ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const

Get the aggregate <-> terrain geometry contacts with the shovel given an excavation mode.

excavationMode- the excavation mode that the aggregate belongs too ( PRIMARY, DEFORM_BACK, DEFORM_RIGHT, DEFORM_LEFT )
vector containing the geometry contacts between the specified aggregate and the terrain

◆ getAggregateTerrainNormalForce()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getAggregateTerrainNormalForce ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const

Get the terrain <-> aggregate normal force for the given excavation mode.

excavationMode- the excavation mode that the aggregate belongs too ( PRIMARY, DEFORM_BACK, DEFORM_RIGHT, DEFORM_LEFT )
the total force (N) acting on the aggregate in the terrain-aggregate contact

◆ getAggregateTerrainTangentialForce()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getAggregateTerrainTangentialForce ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const

Get the terrain <-> aggregate tangential force for the given excavation mode.

excavationMode- the excavation mode that the aggregate belongs too ( PRIMARY, DEFORM_BACK, DEFORM_RIGHT, DEFORM_LEFT )
the total force (N) acting on the aggregate in the terrain-aggregate contact

◆ getContactForce()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getContactForce ( ) const

Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total shovel contact force between the shovel and it's active terrain.

This is the contact force that prevents the shovel from falling through the terrain when not in excavation mode, where contact feedback is generated from the soil aggregates.

- This method returns regular contact forces ONLY when no soil aggregates are present to generate excavation feedback!
the total non-excavation contact force between this terrain and the given shovel.

◆ getCurrentSeparationPlane()

agx::Plane agxTerrain::Shovel::getCurrentSeparationPlane ( ExcavationMode  mode) const
get current separation plane for each excavation mode

◆ getCuttingDirection()

const agx::Vec3 & agxTerrain::Shovel::getCuttingDirection ( ) const
the forward vector in local space.

◆ getCuttingDirectionWorld()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getCuttingDirectionWorld ( ) const
the forward vector in world space.

◆ getCuttingEdge()

const agx::Line & agxTerrain::Shovel::getCuttingEdge ( ) const
the cutting edge in local space.

◆ getCuttingEdgeWorld()

agx::Line agxTerrain::Shovel::getCuttingEdgeWorld ( ) const
the cutting edge in world space.

◆ getDeadLoadFraction()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::getDeadLoadFraction ( ) const

Get the last computed dead load fraction of the shovel, i.e how much of it's inner volume that is filled with dynamic soil.

The dead load fraction ranges from 0.0 (empty), to 1.0 (full).

the last computed dead load fraction

◆ getDeformationContactForce()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getDeformationContactForce ( ) const

Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total contact force between the terrain deformation soil aggregate and the shovel.

This represents the deformation force that is required to move soil via shovel deformation instead of excavation, i.e not excavation or digging. Examples of this would be side movement and backwards grading of the soil.

the total contact force between given shovel and the deformer soil aggregates in the terrain.

◆ getDeformController()

DeformController * agxTerrain::Shovel::getDeformController ( ) const
aggregate contact generator specific for this shovel instance

◆ getDynamicMass()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::getDynamicMass ( ) const
dynamic mass in the shovel, including both particles and fluid mass

◆ getEnable()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::getEnable ( ) const

Access the state enable flag.

true if the body is enabled (default) - otherwise false

◆ getEnableForTerrain()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::getEnableForTerrain ( Terrain terrain) const
if the shovel is enabled for the specified terrain. Default: true.

◆ getExcavationModeContactForce()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getExcavationModeContactForce ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const

Calculates total contact force between the soil aggregate associated with the specified excavation mode in the shovel.

This represents the deformation force that is required to move soil via shovel deformation instead of excavation, i.e not excavation or digging. Examples of this would be side movement and backwards grading of the soil.

excavationMode- the excavation mode that the specified soil aggregate belongs to
the total contact force between the shovel and the soil aggregate specified by the excavation mode

◆ getExcavationSettings()

ExcavationSettings & agxTerrain::Shovel::getExcavationSettings ( ExcavationMode  mode)
the excavation settings for an excavation mode in the shovel.

◆ getForbiddenBounds()

const agx::Vector< agxCollide::BoundingAABB > & agxTerrain::Shovel::getForbiddenBounds ( )

Get the shovels forbidden bounds.

◆ getInnerContactArea()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::getInnerContactArea ( ) const

Get the last computed inner contact area of the shovel, i.e the estimated cross-section area of the inner volume that is filled with dynamic soil.

- This is used in the shovel-aggregate contact in primary excavation to calculate stiffness and cohesion.
the last computed inner contact area of the shovel.

◆ getInnerVolume()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::getInnerVolume ( ) const
the shovel inner volume that is used in the dead load calculations

◆ getParentFrame()

agx::Frame * agxTerrain::Shovel::getParentFrame ( ) const
parent frame located at model center of the shovel

◆ getPenetrationForce()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::getPenetrationForce ( agx::Vec3 force,
agx::Vec3 torque 
) const

The result includes the active force and torque from the penetration resistance from the active terrain on the shovel if the shovel is digging in the terrain.

force- the penetration force out parameter
torque- the penetration torque out parameter
true if resulting force and torque was written to force and torque - otherwise false

◆ getPenetrationResistance()

SoilPenetrationResistance * agxTerrain::Shovel::getPenetrationResistance ( ) const
shovel penetration resistance specific for this shovel instance

◆ getRigidBody()

virtual agx::RigidBody * agxTerrain::Shovel::getRigidBody ( ) const
the base rigid body from the shovel object.

Implements agxSDK::ShovelInstance.

◆ getSecondaryCuttingDirection()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getSecondaryCuttingDirection ( ) const
the secondary cutting direction of the shovel

◆ getSecondarySeparationAngle()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::getSecondarySeparationAngle ( ) const
the secondary separation forward vector of the shovel

◆ getSeparationContactForce()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getSeparationContactForce ( ) const

Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total contact force between the terrain soil particle aggregate and the shovel.

This represents the separation force that is required to move the excavated soil in the shovel active zone.

the total contact force between given shovel and the soil particle aggregate in the terrain.

◆ getSeparationFrictionForce()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getSeparationFrictionForce ( ) const

Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total contact friction force between the terrain soil particle aggregate and the given shovel.

the total contact friction force between given shovel and the soil particle aggregate in the terrain.

◆ getSeparationNormalForce()

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::getSeparationNormalForce ( ) const

Given geometry contacts exists and the solver has solved them - calculates total contact normal force between the terrain soil particle aggregate and the shovel.

the total contact normal force between given shovel and the soil particle aggregate in the terrain.

◆ getSettings()

ShovelSettings * agxTerrain::Shovel::getSettings ( )
the common settings for the shovel.

◆ getShovelAggregateContactMaterial()

agx::ContactMaterial * agxTerrain::Shovel::getShovelAggregateContactMaterial ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  mode = Shovel::ExcavationMode::PRIMARY) const

Get the explicitly set contact material in a shovel-aggregate contact corresponding to a specified excavation mode for the shovel.

This overrides the shovel-terrain contact material properties that are used in the default case.

mode- The specified excavation mode that corresponds to the aggregate.
- this returns nullptr if the shovel is not valid.
a contact material if one has been explicitly set, nullptr otherwise.

◆ getShovelAggregateContacts()

agxCollide::GeometryContactPtrVector agxTerrain::Shovel::getShovelAggregateContacts ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const

Get the shovel <-> aggregate contacts with the soil particle aggregate for the given excavation mode.

excavationMode- the excavation mode that the soil aggregate belongs too ( PRIMARY, DEFORM_BACK, DEFORM_RIGHT, DEFORM_LEFT )
vector containing the geometry contacts between the specified shovel and the aggregate.

◆ getShovelTerrainContactMaterialContainer()

ShovelAggregateContactMaterialContainer * agxTerrain::Shovel::getShovelTerrainContactMaterialContainer ( ) const
the ShovelAggregateContactMaterialContainer that contains all contact materials explicitly set for this shovel.

◆ getSoilAggregateMass()

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::getSoilAggregateMass ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const

Returns the total soil aggregate mass in the shovel for the specific excavation mode.

This function can be used to extract the active mass that the shovel is trying to displace in the failure zones during digging and deformation.

excavationMode- The excavation mode of the aggregate that will be used to extract the mass.
the total aggregate mass, including inner shape if excavation mode is PRIMARY_EXCAVATION.

◆ getSoilParticleAggregate()

SoilParticleAggregate * agxTerrain::Shovel::getSoilParticleAggregate ( ) const
soil particle aggregate specific for this shovel instance

◆ getSoilPenetrationModel()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::getSoilPenetrationModel ( agxTerrain::SoilPenetrationResistance::PenetrationModel model) const

Get the soil penetration model used for the shovel.

Available models are:

  • NO_MODEL - Only use the soil pressure above the cutting edge to determine the penetration resistance.
  • ELASTIC_PLASTIC_LIMIT - Calculate the expected penetration resistance based in the elastic plastic limit. (Default)
  • PLASTIC - Calculate the expected penetration resistance based on plastic expansion due to tooth pressure.
model- The output variable where the penetration model that is used will be put, if successful.
true if the model was successfully extracted, false otherwise.

◆ getTerrainManager()

agxSDK::TerrainManager * agxTerrain::Shovel::getTerrainManager ( )

◆ getTerrainsInSimulation()

TerrainPtrVec agxTerrain::Shovel::getTerrainsInSimulation ( )

◆ getTopEdge()

const agx::Line & agxTerrain::Shovel::getTopEdge ( ) const
the top edge in local space.

◆ getTopEdgeWorld()

agx::Line agxTerrain::Shovel::getTopEdgeWorld ( ) const
the top edge in world space.

◆ getVoxelCollisionGeometries()

const agxCollide::GeometryRefVector & agxTerrain::Shovel::getVoxelCollisionGeometries ( ) const
the shovel geometries colliding with voxels in the terrain

◆ getWedgeAggregate()

const agx::RigidBody * agxTerrain::Shovel::getWedgeAggregate ( Shovel::ExcavationMode  excavationMode) const
the current wedge aggregate in the specified collection given an excavation mode if it exists, nullptr otherwise.

◆ initalizeContactMaterialsForExistingTerrains()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::initalizeContactMaterialsForExistingTerrains ( agxSDK::Simulation simulation)

Initialize contact materials when added to simulation.

◆ isActive()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::isActive ( ) const

◆ isDigging()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::isDigging ( ) const

Check if the shovel is currently in digging mode with a terrain, i.e if the cutting edge is submerged.

Internally check if the shovel is acting on an active terrain or not, see getActiveTerrain.
whether the Shovel is currently digging or not.

◆ isValid()

virtual bool agxTerrain::Shovel::isValid ( ) const

◆ last()

virtual void agxTerrain::Shovel::last ( )

Callback to be executed at the end of the time step Shovel and Terrain step events are synchronized via the TerrainManager.

Reimplemented from agxSDK::ShovelInstance.

◆ post()

virtual void agxTerrain::Shovel::post ( )

Executes post-step events for agxTerrain::Shovel in the simulation.

Shovel and Terrain step events are synchronized via the TerrainManager.

Reimplemented from agxSDK::ShovelInstance.

◆ pre()

virtual void agxTerrain::Shovel::pre ( )

Executes pre-step events for agxTerrain::Shovel in the simulation.

Shovel and Terrain step events are synchronized via the TerrainManager. In the pre step we:

  • Filter contact points for the deformers
  • Calculate dead load fraction
  • Check and if need be, set the internal contact materials (this is a new ContactMaterial and transfer each pre step)
  • Run the onPre calls in all internal classes (aggregates, deformers, pen resistance)

Reimplemented from agxSDK::ShovelInstance.

◆ preCollide()

virtual void agxTerrain::Shovel::preCollide ( )

Executes pre-collide events for agxTerrain::Shovel in the simulation.

Shovel and Terrain step events are synchronized via the TerrainManager. In the preCollide step, we:

  • Check if the shovel is active either by colliding with a terrain or if there are particles in the shovel.
  • If we need to, we create soil wedges in the primary and secondary deformers. (onPreCollide calls)
  • Forbidden bounds around the shovel are calculated.

Reimplemented from agxSDK::ShovelInstance.

◆ removeNotification()

virtual void agxTerrain::Shovel::removeNotification ( )

Remove notification when this shovel is removed from a simulation.

Reimplemented from agxSDK::ShovelInstance.

◆ setAggregateMaterial()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::setAggregateMaterial ( agx::Material material)

Set the common material used by the SoilParticleAggregates inside the primary active zone and deformers.

Propagates the material into the internal classes.

◆ setCuttingDirection()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::setCuttingDirection ( agx::Vec3  cuttingDirection)
cuttingDirection- new cutting direction in local space.

◆ setCuttingEdge()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::setCuttingEdge ( agx::Line  cuttingEdge)

Set the cutting edge in local space.

cuttingEdge- new cutting edge in local space.

◆ setEnable()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::setEnable ( bool  enable)

Change state enable of this shovel.

If the shovel is disabled, it can not be used for excavation in a terrain. Default: true.

enable- true to enable, false to disable

◆ setEnableForTerrain()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::setEnableForTerrain ( Terrain terrain,
bool  enable 

Set if the shovel is enabled for the particular terrain.

Prerequisites: Shovel needs to be added to the simulation. Default: True, ie enabled for any terrain.

◆ setEnableShovelTerrainGeometryContacts()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::setEnableShovelTerrainGeometryContacts ( Terrain terrain,
bool  enable 

Set if regular geometry contacts should be created between the shovel geometries and the associated terrain geometry.

◆ setExcavationSettings()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::setExcavationSettings ( ExcavationMode  mode,
ExcavationSettings  excavationSettings 

Set a settings object for an ExcavationMode of the shovel.

Excavation modes are as follows:

  • PRIMARY - The primary mode of excavation, where the shovel digs along the cutting direction in the terrain horizontal plane.
  • DEFORM_BACK - The mode of excavation where the shovel is digging in the opposite direction of the cutting direction in the terrain horizontal plane. ( Example: Backside grading )
  • DEFORM_LEFT - The mode of excavation where the shovel is digging to the counter-clock wise (Left) direction orthogonal to the cutting direction in the terrain horizontal plane. ( Example: Side push/grading )
  • DEFORM_RIGHT - The mode of excavation where the shovel is digging to the clock wise (Right) direction orthogonal to the cutting direction in the terrain horizontal plane. ( Example: Side push/grading )
    mode- The specified excavation mode that the settings will apply to.
    excavationSettings- The specified excavation settings that will apply to the excavation mode.

◆ setShovelAggregateContactMaterial()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::setShovelAggregateContactMaterial ( agx::ContactMaterial contactMaterial,
Shovel::ExcavationMode  mode = Shovel::ExcavationMode::PRIMARY 

Explicitly set contact material properties in a shovel-aggregate contact for a specific excavation mode for the shovel.

This overrides the shovel-terrain contact material properties that are used in the default case.

contactMaterial- The contact material to be set in the aggregate contact.
mode- The specified excavation mode that corresponds to the aggregate.
true if the contact material was successfully set, false otherwise.

◆ setSoilPenetrationModel()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::setSoilPenetrationModel ( agxTerrain::SoilPenetrationResistance::PenetrationModel  model)

Set the soil penetration model used for the shovel.

Available models are:

  • NO_MODEL - Only use the soil pressure above the cutting edge to determine the penetration resistance.
  • ELASTIC_PLASTIC_LIMIT - Calculate the expected penetration resistance based in the elastic plastic limit. (Default)
  • PLASTIC - Calculate the expected penetration resistance based on plastic expansion due to tooth pressure.
model- The specified penetration model to use in the shovel against the terrain. ( Default: ELASTIC_PLASTIC_LIMIT )
true if the model was successfully changed, false otherwise.

◆ setTopEdge()

void agxTerrain::Shovel::setTopEdge ( agx::Line  topEdge)

Set the top edge in local space.

topEdge- new top edge in local space.

◆ shovelHasParticles()

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::shovelHasParticles ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_activeTerrain

Terrain* agxTerrain::Shovel::m_activeTerrain

Definition at line 848 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_activeZone

PrimaryActiveZoneRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_activeZone

Definition at line 842 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_aggregateContactGenerator

AggregateContactGeneratorRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_aggregateContactGenerator

Definition at line 843 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_aggregateMaterial

agx::MaterialRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_aggregateMaterial

Definition at line 846 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_collisionBound

agxCollide::BoundingAABB agxTerrain::Shovel::m_collisionBound

Definition at line 851 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_connectedShovel

Shovel* agxTerrain::Shovel::m_connectedShovel

Definition at line 836 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_cuttingDirection

agx::Vec3 agxTerrain::Shovel::m_cuttingDirection

Definition at line 818 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_cuttingEdge

agx::Line agxTerrain::Shovel::m_cuttingEdge

Definition at line 816 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_deadLoadFraction

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::m_deadLoadFraction

Definition at line 826 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_deformController

DeformControllerRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_deformController

Definition at line 844 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_enabled

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::m_enabled

Definition at line 821 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_excavationSettings

std::array< ExcavationSettings, 4 > agxTerrain::Shovel::m_excavationSettings

Definition at line 823 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_forbiddenBounds

agx::Vector<agxCollide::BoundingAABB> agxTerrain::Shovel::m_forbiddenBounds

Definition at line 849 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_innerContactArea

agx::Real agxTerrain::Shovel::m_innerContactArea

Definition at line 828 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_isActive

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::m_isActive

Definition at line 847 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_parentFrame

agx::FrameRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_parentFrame

Definition at line 830 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_penetrationResistance

SoilPenetrationResistanceRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_penetrationResistance

Definition at line 840 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_settingsAreDirty

bool agxTerrain::Shovel::m_settingsAreDirty

Definition at line 834 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_shovelAggregateCMContainer

ShovelAggregateContactMaterialContainerRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_shovelAggregateCMContainer

Definition at line 838 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_shovelBody

agx::RigidBodyRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_shovelBody

Definition at line 815 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_shovelSettings

ShovelSettingsRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_shovelSettings

Definition at line 822 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_soilParticleAggregate

SoilParticleAggregateRef agxTerrain::Shovel::m_soilParticleAggregate

Definition at line 839 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_topEdge

agx::Line agxTerrain::Shovel::m_topEdge

Definition at line 817 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_voxelCollisionGeometries

agxCollide::GeometryRefVector agxTerrain::Shovel::m_voxelCollisionGeometries

Definition at line 833 of file Shovel.h.

◆ m_voxelsInPrimaryActiveZoneLastTimeStep

agx::Vec3iVector agxTerrain::Shovel::m_voxelsInPrimaryActiveZoneLastTimeStep

Definition at line 850 of file Shovel.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: