49. Current Limitations¶
Currently Algoryx Momentum cannot handle components which have a mirrored transformation matrix. If such is detected, the simulation will be paused with a warning message.
Export of the current camera settings in SpaceClaim to animated KeyShot (BIP) files is not available. A default camera view will be calculated.
It is not possible to prematurely abort a simulation which occupies a long time in the solver.
Algoryx Momentum does not handle SpaceClaim’s own mating conditions. They must be disabled (and will be by the add-in) before starting a simulation.
Joints will not be shown in component design views. That is, if you select a part of the model, and open in a separate window, the joints will not be shown.
It is not possible to externally link to a .scdoc including a simulation.
External components, linked from external files, are not fully supported and you might end up with an invalid Simulation Structure containing duplicated bodies. See There is one extra rigid body in the simulation structure
Undoing an operation in the Sequence editor will not restore the whole recorded simulation. See valid recorded simulation).
Currently only SI units is available for plotting. So having imperial units will not be reflected in the plot window.
A plot window will not be closed when its corresponding document is closed. The plot window need to be closed explicitly.
The plot window will not appear automatically when a SpaceClaim document with plot configuration is opened.
There is an issue where creating patterns and copying patterns while having Momentum activated can result in an invalid simulation with additional duplicate bodies. Either you need to clear the document from Momentum simulation (through the Clear simulation data button) or make components independent.
Analysis scripts are not executed when using the step forward/backward buttons in the Playback Tab.
It is currently not possible to plot from the scripting API.
New initial state is not supported for the Granular Bodies.
Granular Bodies are not visible in the regular Momentum Keyshot pipeline.
Cannot plot data about Granular Bodies. Only limited to contact forces at the moment.