15. Detect Joints

DETECT_JOINTS Detect Joints is a tool that can automatically detect joints from the geometry in the CAD model to save modeling time. It essentially detects the peg in a hole scenario.

At the moment the only joints that are detectable by the tool are Hinge Joint, Cylindrical Joint, :ref: prismatic_joint and Lock Joint i.e., cylinders inside cylindrical holes.

15.1. Usage

Detect joints will search in the current selection, or in the whole model if nothing is selected.

  1. Select the DETECT_JOINTS Detect Joints tool in the ribbon menu (the tool will now search the model for potential joints).

  2. All potential joints will be highlighted in gray.

  1. Select each joint individually (CTRL-click) or all the joints (CTRL-A) and choose which joint type will be used.


15.2. Options

You can specify the various options for locating potential joints in the options tab for Detect Joints Options.


If there are joints that are not detected by the tool, it could be that the cylinders/pins are not 100% circular; or that they are misaligned or too far apart.