46. Export

A simulation can be exported to various formats by changing the “Save as type” when saving the model in SpaceClaim.

46.1. AGX Simulation format

AGX Dynamics which is at the core of the Algoryx Momentum add-in supports two different formats for serialization of a simulation:

  • .aagx - XML based ascii serialization format. Results in a potentially large human readable file.

  • .agx - Binary serialization. Smaller format, non human readable.

The file contains a complete physical state of your model, including geometries, materials, joints, operations from the sequence editor and also the rendering data (vertices, normals, texture coordinates, diffuse color). It can be loaded into the AGX Dynamics engine for post processing or for use in simulators based on AGX Dynamics. All Momentum objects in the Simulation Structure, including disabled objects, are exported to file, with one exception. If a geometry has its Collide Flag set to false and is hidden in the CAD model, it is not considered part of the simulation and therefore is not exported to the AGX file, see figure Fig. 46.1. However, this exception does not apply to geometries that have Sensors or Emittors since they are considered to be part of the simulation and will be exported, see table Table 46.1. To configure how the physical state is exported see Add-in AGX Export Options.

For more information on how to further utilize this pipe line, send an email to contact@algoryx.se

Note that the simulation could also be exported via the Simulation Report Button in the Momentum Ribbon, see Simulation Report.


Fig. 46.1 The figure show a geometry in a rigid body with the solid Hidden in the CAD model and the Collide Flag set to False. This type of geometry is generally not exported but there are exceptions, see table Table 46.1.

Table 46.1 This table lists how hidden geometries in rigid bodies, i.e. solids hidden in the CAD model, are exported. Note that visible geometries are always exported.

Geometry Property


Collide True

Collide False


The geometry is enabled in the Simulation Structure


Not Exported


The geometry is disabled in the Simulation Structure


Not Exported

Always Export

Always Export set to true




The geometry has an Emitter




The geometry has a Sensor



46.2. AutoDesk FilmBox


When a simulation recording is done, an animation file can be exported into a transport format from AutoDesk. This file can be imported into any tool supporting the FilmBox format, such as Unity3D, 3DStudio Max, Maya, Luxion KeyShot etc. The exporter supports: geometry (vertices, normals, texture coordinates) and their kinematic information (rotation, translation).

46.3. Luxion KeyShot


This format can be read directly into Luxion’s rendering tool KeyShot. It is the same format used for the rendering export button.