34. Particle Editor¶
The particle editor can be used to create particle distributions containing different particle models. The distributions can be used in Emitter to create non-homogenous granular flows.
The granular plugin must be activated before the particle editor can be used in the scene. This requires a Momentum Granular license.
34.1. Usage¶
Different particle distributions can be created in the Particle Editor. When a distribution is created, multiple discrete particle models can be added to the distribution where each model contains a radius and a material governing particle density and contact interaction parameters. A model also contains a distribution weight. The model weights determine how the created mass from the distribution will be distributed among the models. Increasing the weight value for a model relative to the other models will increase its quota of the created mass. The percentage of the total created mass that will belong to each model can be seen in the Mass Quota column.
34.2. Settings¶
34.2.1. Distribution Settings¶
Add: Adds a particle distribution to the document.
Remove: Removes the selected particle distribution in the table.
Rename: Rename the selected particle distribution in the table.
34.2.2. Distribution Particle Models Section¶
Add Model: Pressing this button will add a particle model in the selected distribution.
Remove Model: Remove the selected particle model from the selected distribution.
Edit Model: Edit the selected particle model in the distribution.
34.2.3. Distribution Particle Models Table¶
This section will explain the columns for the particle models view.
Model Name: The name of the particle model.
Particle Diameter: The particle diameter of the model.
Material Density: The density of the material set for the particle model.
Particle Mass: Prints the derived mass of a particle created from the particle model.
Model Weight: The model weight that will determine how much the model will contribute to the total mass.
Mass Quota: The resulting percentage of the mass created from this distribution that will come from the particle model.