45. Simulation Data¶
45.1. Simulation journal¶
When starting a simulation a new temporary simulation journal (.agxJournal) is created in the sub-directory journals in the path specified by working directory. When the Spaceclaim document (.scdoc) is saved, the journal is copied to the same directory as the saved .scdoc.
The simulation journal contains a serialization of the whole simulation data (geometries, constraints, operations etc.) and the kinematic data from the simulation. This data is used during playback of the recorded simulation. The kinematic data will be stored at a frequency specified in Simulation settings or Add-In Options
45.1.1. Storing a document¶
When a document with a recorded simulation is stored to disk, a file named <documentname>.agxJournal will also be created. This file contains the simulation data associated with the SpaceClaim document. Leaving out the .agxJournal file will disable the playback session for the document, but the document will still work when creating new recordings.